Dealer Commander has the features to competitively run your business.
No need to worry about finding the right fit as Dealer Commander is designed to grow with your business.

SEO Friendly
Responsive Web Design
Stock Check
Value Brands Profiled
American Made Profile
Show List-Discount
Customer Corporate Store
Customer Invoice View
Order Tracking
Multiple Vendor Data
Credit Card Processing
Product Family Profile
Ink & Toner Finder
Banners Unlimited Unlimited
Info Pages Unlimited Unlimited
Google Analytics Standard Standard
Landing Page Generator
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Min. Seats 2 Seats 4 Seats 7 Seats
Handles multiple vendors on and offline
Easily create orders, quotes, invoices, and packing slips
Employee security access levels
Custom reporting generation
Cloud Based
Order Management
Commercial order entry
Apply coupon codes
Easy quotes
Convert online customer saved carts to orders
Easy profit controls
Change G.P. per item or order
Live credit card processing (Optional)
Point Of Sale Module (Optional)
Live Vendor Stock Check
View customer history in order entry
View customer aging in order entry
Up-sell and substitute suggestion feature
Inventory/Product Feature
Control unlimited offline and online items from one location
Unlimited inventory
Multi-Level cost & retail pricing (fixed and range pricing)
Add custom online or offline inventory on the fly
Inventory reports
Cross vertical market product capability
Wholesaler updates (Optional)
Unlimited Inventory Location
Inventory tracking with min/max feature
Contracts Management
Create custom contracts
EZ item exclusion or inclusion
Customize by price, items, category or manufacturers
Get email notifications prior to contract expiration
Min/Max GP controls
Intelli Purchasing to maximize profit margins
Printed products purchasing
Easily utilize all vendors programs every order, every item
EZ inventory replenishment
Email PO’s from system
EZ PO creation
Sales & Marketing
Sales reports
Create specials on the fly and assign
Unlimited promo/coupon codes with expiration dates
Search engine friendly website
Unique look and feel for your website (Optional)
Create online product landing pages in minutes (Optional Pro+)
CRM (Optional Pro+)
Custom Reports Generator
Extensive standard reports
EZ PO creation
Built-In Reporting Tool
Exportable Reports
Live Quickbooks Integration (Optional)
Accounts Receivable
Accounting Module (Optional Pro+)
Warehouse Management
Delivery route coding & assignments
Pick tickets
Packing slips